
Bus Ithaca, NY Allentown, PA summary

Bus ticket from $79
Maximum coach ticket price $79
Average bus trip duration 9h25m
Bus companies FlixBus, BlaBlaCar
Distance 119 mi

Ithaca, NY Allentown, PA bus trip

Ithaca, NY Allentown, PA bus trip

You have to reach Allentown, PA from Ithaca, NY? To book cheap bus tickets Ithaca, NY Allentown, PA, go to our meta-search engine. You can easily sort your offers by price. A little tip: to find the best rates, don't forget to book your ticket as soon as possible.

What is the price of a bus ticket Ithaca, NY Allentown, PA? The bus is a really economical way to travel. The Ithaca, NY Allentown, PA bus are from $79. The journey by bus is much longer than that by train, it will take at least 9h25m. The distance between the two cities is 119 mi. What are the bus companies that offer this bus line? The operators are as follows: FlixBus and BlaBlaCar.

Are you hesitating to take a carpool instead of a bus? Or a train? ComparaBUS helps you to make the best choice. The site makes a quick comparison between the bus, train, carpool and plane.

The airplane is the fastest but most often also the most expensive means of transport. Bus and carpooling offers are among the cheapest, but the journey time is much longer. The train is a good compromise in terms of travel time and price. To find the best tickets, go to our ComparBUS comparator.

All the information you need to prepare for your coach trip from Ithaca, NY to Allentown, PA:

Book a Ithaca, NY Allentown, PA bus

Ithaca, NY Allentown, PA bus companies

FlixBus Ithaca, NY Allentown, PA

FlixBus Ithaca, NY Allentown, PA

FlixBus is the leader in the long-distance coach market in Europe. Since summer 2018, the bus company has also been serving the USA. Thanks to your ComparaBUS comparator, quickly visualize all the cheapIthaca, NY Allentown, PA FlixBus offers.

Cheap bus Ithaca, NY ➜ Allentown, PA

Company Departs Arrives Duration Fare
FlixBus FlixBus 27/04 - 16:30
Ithaca, NY
Allentown, PA
9h25m $79
FlixBus FlixBus 06/04 - 16:30
Ithaca, NY
Allentown, PA
9h25m $142
FlixBus FlixBus 10/05 - 21:00
Ithaca, NY
Allentown, PA
7h05m $46
FlixBus FlixBus 10/05 - 16:30
Ithaca, NY
Allentown, PA
9h25m $50
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